Browse Movies : 2026 : Rating Not Available

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1 – 20 of 49 movies


A werewolf horror film written and directed by Robert Eggers (Nosferatu).

Fast X: Part 2

The final installment of the Fast and the Furious series (excluding anticipated spin-offs).

Project Hail Mary

Ryland Grace is a school-teacher-turned-astronaut who wakes up from a coma, alone, on a space station with no memory of who he is or his mission. His memory returns in bursts and he pieces together that he was sent to the Tau Ceti solar system, 12 light-years from Earth, to reverse the impact of a space event that had already hurled our planet into the early stages of an Ice Age. As details of the mission unravel, Grace must call on all of his scientific training and sheer ingenuity, but he might not have to do it alone…

Masters of the Universe

In Masters of the Universe, an orphan named Adam discovers he is a prince destined to be the savior of a faraway land and must quickly learn of his power and the importance of saving his true home from an evil force.

Toy Story 5

This time around, it's Toy meets Tech when Buzz, Woody, Jessie and the rest of the gang's jobs get exponentially harder as they go head to head with this all-new threat to playtime.
June 19, 2026 Nationwide